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True Life in God (Vol. 7)

True Life in God (Vol. 7)

True Life in God (Vol. 7)

Notebooks 84-94

156 pages - 15x21,5 cm - Ancienn édition 1998
Article n° E4117 - poids 220 g
J.M.J. Publications - ISBN 9781899228058
10.00 €
True Life in God (Vol. 7)

About Vassula Ryden - visionary, mystic:

Vassula was raised a Greek Orthodox Christian and born in Egypt. She is married with 2 adult boys, is proficient in 6 languages, lives in Rome. She has been receiving dictation from The Lord sinc 1985. This work, deeply based on scripture and declared by eminent theologians to be totally theologically correct, is written in simple language easy for the lay reader to understand and yet substantial enough for academies and theologians. Already, many books in different languages have been written on this work. It has been translated into 32 plus languages with the English printed version contained in 7 books to date. The messages are received by locution - ie by an interior voice. Vassula takes these messages to all 5 continents with audiences of up to 30'000 (India 1998). She receives no royalties or fees for her work.